My specialty is adults with overwhelmed nervous systems, which includes all of us facing climate catastrophe and rising fascism.
To get more specific, I work with:
trauma stewards (activists and organizers, social workers/therapists/other healers, climate researchers, lawyers and advocates, healthcare workers, teachers, journalists, EMTs and firefighters etc.)
people struggling with climate anxiety and grief
people with complex trauma
people with depression and/or anxiety
people who are grieving
people looking for a harm reduction approach to addiction, self-harm, and/or suicidal thoughts
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or queer people
trans, non-binary, and/or gender non-conforming people
intersex people
poly and/or non-monogamous people
sex workers
kinky people
people looking for a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach
people looking for post-cult recovery support